Stargate Apocalypse Wiki
Status: Alive
Gender: Asexual (female personality)
Race: Goa'uld
Homeplanet: De'henet Prime
Rank: System Lord
Allegiances: Khnum , Atlas
Galaxy: Pegasus Galaxy

Ancient Egypt Goa'uld who has taken the identity of a shape of a snake goddess, patron of the Theban Necropolis. Mertseger served for millennia as Apophis underlord on the planet De'henet. With the fall of the previous dynasty, Mertseger managed to find refuge in the ranks of the revived empire titan, becoming one of the minor kings of Atlas. Sent in the Pegasus galaxy, Mertseger was temporarily blocked. Because of this temporary stay in the galaxy, Mertseger laid the groundwork for the creation of an Empire Goa'uld in the Pegasus Galaxy before returning in the Milky Way. Surviving the war against the Wraith and the arrival of Malecathi, Mertseger is currently hidden on some unknown planet in the Milky Way where he is patiently rebuilding his strength by drawing on those once loyal to Apophis.

Mertseger symbol

Mertseger symbol

Back in the Pegasus galaxy on the order of Khnum , Merteseger has joined forces with those of Sabazios eventually collaborate with the ruler ofKeldara against the common enemy.

While working for several months with the same Sabazios at the end Mertseger was able to prevail only after the war against 'another goa'uld rival named Ramsete. Purging all the various political enemies and using his influence, Mertseger has assumed the prerogatives of a System Lord, detaching completely from the control of Khnum. Paranoid, sadistic and brutal, Mertseger is a goa'uld who based his reputation as a loyal and ruthless underlord on the suffering of the people who submits. Vengeful, it seems that in ancient Egypt killed his First Prime Neferabu only for not having enough bowing his head in his presence.
